„Petrolettes“ at Photomonth East London
Three of my portraits of female motorcycle riders I photographed during Europe’s first women-only motorcycle festival in Berlin recently are part of the „Girl Town“ exhibition in East London during Photomonth. http://shutterhub.org.uk/blog/girltownpm http://2016.photomonth.org/listings#50

„Villa Germania“ at Encontros da Imagem
I am very happy that my work „Villa Germania“ will be shown at the „Encontros da Imagem“ photo festival in Braga/Portugal during the „Solar night of projections“ on Friday sept 23. Very much looking forward to this festival, the program looks amazing and Braga like a gorgeous town. Opening week from Sep 20-25 – I’ll be there at least on Friday and Saturday. http://encontrosdaimagem.com/en/news/2016/solar-night-of-projections/

Superheroize Me – new images
This july I once again visited San Diego’s Real Life Superheroes – the new edit of my photo essay including many new images is now online: Superheroize Me