Poor Plastic Pony
Or: The beauty of industrial zones. Found in Tempelhof.

Fortunately, this strange Corona year didn’t treat us so badly so far. To celebrate my parents‘ 50th wedding anniversary, my sister and me took them on a trip to their most beloved holiday location at the North sea coast in Denmark. One week of quality time together, well spent with cooking, baking, windy picnicking at the beach, playing cards and boccia, reading in the hammock, walking, swimming, bike riding, road trips, eating ice cream and smoked fish.

Escaping the city for the weekend
Weekend getaway to paradise – somewhere between Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg. Eastern charm meets incredible serene nature. Weird encounter with a dead „Berlin lobster“. Aka „nordamerikanischer Sumpfkrebs“ how I learned afterwards. It’s an invasive species that causes severe problems to the local ecosystem. And is now served as a delicacy in gourmet restaurants.