Mr. Xtreme is the founder of the Xtreme Justice League (XJL) in San Diego.
Whenever he can he puts on his superhero costume and tries to do good things.
(You can see the images without the captions by clicking on them)
When he is not dressed-up as a superhero trying to make his city a better place, he is working as a security guard and street sweeper. He has three jobs at the moment.
In a FedEx office. Mr. Xtreme is printing out flyers which warn of a serial killer who seems to be after the homeless in Downtown San Diego.
Crimson Fist and Mr. Xtreme about to patrol the homeless area to protect them from the serial killer. It is 3 a.m.
Crimson Fist and Mr. Xtreme on a safety patrol in East Village/San Diego.
6:30 a.m., after the safety patrol. Mr. Xtreme hasn‘t slept much the last days. „But if we aren‘t out here now, what sense does our organisation make anyways?“, he claims.
„I was a narcohead myself“, says Heavy Hitter, „only had anger left
for the world, feeling sorry for myself. Now, children laugh when
they see me, calling me 'Banana Man'. I like that!"
Heavy Hitter collecting donations for „Project Hope“.
Vortex is wearing his new customized latex suit made in China. „I can‘t actually wear it during the day , because it is too hot in San Diego. It‘s 7 am and I am already dripping“.
Heavy Hitter and Vortex finished collecting donations for
„Project Hope“ (annual gathering of Real Life Superheroes who
come together to give out free clothes, sanitary products and
food for the homeless in San Diego)
Vortex and his "Super Mobile"
Sometimes Lobo joins up with the Xtreme Justice League in
San Diego, but mostly prefers to go out on patrol for himself in L.A.
Rock‘N‘Roll is the founder of the all-women „Superheroine
Initiative“ and the „California Initiative“ based in San Francisco.
Nightbug, co-founder of the California Initiative and "Rock'N'Roll's trophy husband", as he likes to introduce himself.
Rock'N'Roll presenting her book "A True Origin Story: How to Be A Real-Life Superhero in 12 Steps"
in San Diego. She believes, everybody can be a superhero, even by doing little things like helping
the neighbor or delivering food to older people. „The costume only helps to get the
necessary attention. Plus, the cape is fun, of course!“
Nightbug, Rock‘N‘Roll and two members from the „Legacy Initiative“ in Salt Lake City (as „The Flash“ and „Batman“) performing at a fundraiser concert for „Project Hope“.
Vigilante Spider talking to a woman in Oceanside
Osprey, Nyghtingale‘s son and the youngest member of the XJL.
Crimson Fist
Doctor Mystery
Practising self-defense with Phantomesque and WatchDog
Practising self-defense with WatchDog
WatchDog and Mr. Xtreme on a safety patrol in San Diego's gaslamp district. The XJL is out there patrolling the streets every friday and saturday night with only very few exceptions.
Most of the time, nothing mentionable happens during the nightly patrols in the gaslamp district. The most common tasks for the heroes are hence to dissolve bar fights and calling cabs for drunks. And sometimes, it is just about re-erecting a fallen over construction sign.
Mr. Xtreme is talking to a homeless women. Everytime she meets the superheroes, she claims to have been robbed seconds ago. A lot of the homeless people are mentally ill.
Freedom Fighter, Light Fist and Grim waiting at a traffic light in safety formation.
Posing for photos during a safety patrol in San Diego's gaslamp district which is the main party area with many bars and clubs.
Mr. Xtreme's costume in his office
Mr. Xtreme in his van running errands for "Project Hope"
Mr. Xtreme buying backpacks for "Project Hope"
The "Real Life Superhero" community is gathering for "Project Hope", an annual homeless outreach in San Diego.
A group of Real Life Superheroes giving out food and clothes in East Village / Downtown San Diego during "Project Hope"
Heavy Hitter giving out backpacks and clothes during "Project Hope"
Zoo and another volunteer giving out food for the
homeless during „Project Hope“.
San Diego has the fourth biggest homeless population in the US.
Streets filled with tents and other makeshift shelters are rather
common, especially East Village.
Nightbug, Doctor Mystery, Rock'N'Roll, Miss Fit and Hip Hop Trooper with backpacks for the homeless people during "Project Hope"
Light Fist handing out burritos
Hip Hop Trooper dancing with a homeless woman during „Project Hope“
Crimson Fist and Osprey handing out burritos for the homeless during „Project Hope“.
Impact and Doctor Mystery in Downtown San Diego
Mr. Xtreme resting in a hot dog store.
Emerald Fael's son „Rouroni“, who was a member of the „XJL“, died in a car accident a few years ago. Since then, she joined the Xtreme Justice League in his stead. „I just felt I had to do it, for Rouroni and for myself.“
Grim, a navy veteran, doesn‘t like the attention that comes with the costume. Although he is wearing a skull mask, children love him.
Nyght is in the military and the martial arts trainer of the XJL.
Recently he added a „F*CK ISIS“-patch to his suit, „so people
know on which side I am and no longer are afraid of my
scary suit“
Midnight Highwayman
Light Fist has been attending the XJL since he was 17.
„It is just the best time of my life“, he smiles.
Violet Valkyrie
„Many Real Life Superheroes are already off the radar again
by now. But we are here for 10 years now! Being a Real Life
Superhero doesn‘t mean putting on a costume, acting like a
vigilante and taking pictures of you posing in a dark alley ..."
"... I think, it is all about consistency, being out there as often
as possible and raising awareness, be the good example,
be someone who just gives a shit. Otherwise the whole thing
makes no sense. But to be honest, I don‘t know how long I can
take it anymore. It is just a lot.“ (Mr. Xtreme)
Superheroize Me
They call themselves „Heavy Hitter“, „Violet Valkyrie“ or „Midnight Highwayman“. Longing for justice or searching for sense in a country where you are being told not to wait for others or the government to do something for you, but to get active yourself, they seek for a role to improve society. But doing good isn‘t good enough for them. They also want to be seen and heard. So, more and more US-American citizens created a „superhero“ alter ego for themselves including costume – to get involved in a variety of ways, but always boldly and striking: neighborhood patrols, homeless outreaches, raising money for donations – or simply awareness. The „Real Life Superheroes“ are not to be confused with cosplayers, they do have a mission: to make their city a better place.