Opening „Echt Oldenburg“
What a nice opening of the exhibition „Echt Oldenburg“ at the Oldenburg State Museum yesterday. In summer 2018 15 photographers including myself were invited to Oldenburg to show their perspective of the city. A selection of the photographs is now exhibited in the Oldenburg castle until Dec. 2nd. Thanks to everyone involved! Have a look when you are in the area! Schöne Ausstellungseröffnung gestern im Oldenburger Schloss! Unter dem Titel „Echt Oldenburg“ werden neben vielen anderen Arbeiten auch meine Portraits von Oldenburgern gezeigt, die ich für dieses Projekt an drei Tagen im Sommer fotografiert habe. Noch bis zum 2. Dezember …
♥️ Berlin Spandau – Eiswerder – Grunewald
Just like today
Looks like nowadays: Tweets, funny cat … and a laptop? Not quite. (Crop from Hogarth’s „The Graham Children“, National Gallery, London)
Don’t be fooled by the friendly looks of this thingy!